Here's a quick first aid treatment that should get your hands back in shape in about a week. Apart from getting a special manicure before your wedding, follow this routine also to show off lovely-gorgeous hands on your D-day.
Every night before going to bed, soak your hands in warm olive oil into which the contents of 1 capsule of vitamin E has been added. After 10 mins take out your hands, massage well, not forgetting your nails.
Take 2 tablets of calcium (consult your doctor first) with a glass of warm water or milk. Other than strengthening your nails, calcium is also a natural tranquilizer. It will help you sleep better.
Every morning massage some rich cream or oil into your hands and nails.
Buff your nails- this makes them shinier and healthier by stepping up circulation on the finger tips.
Whenever possible, throughout the day, keep massaging little blobs of Vaseline/Moisturex into your hands and nails, minimum is thrice a day.
Concentrate on health foods for nails: milk gives you calcium and vitamin D, raw cabbage gives you vitamins C n D and Sardines gives you iodine. Step up your water intake but avoid wetting your nails, wear gloves if doing household work.
Vegetable juices contains acid which ham your nails and stain them. Stay away from strong detergents as they damage hands and nails.
Use lemon juice for removing stains from fingers and nails. But if you have dry hands use potato juice instead of lemon juice as it is milder and not drying. However, lemon juice acts faster.
If your nails are prone to splitting, take gelatin dissolved in warm milk for a whole week. Or ask to your doctor to prescribe gelatin capsule, I heard these are now available.
To make the nail color last and to avoid chipping , always use a protective anti-chip top coat over your polish. For nails to remain healthy, it is essential to keep them polish free occasionally.
Ideally each time you remove your old polish, nails should be allowed to breathe.
**Throughout this entire week your nails should stay free from any kind of polish**

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