1. Remove old nail polish with a good quality nail polish remover.
2. Massage nails with lots of petroleum jelly.
3. In a tub of warm water, add foot shampoo and soak feet in it for 10-15 mins.
4. Wipe dry after soaking feet in clean water. 5. Clip nails according to your choice, but I suggest cut straight. Looks good that way.
6. File nails according to the shape but in 1 direction only.
7. Push back cuticles with a cuticle pusher very gently.
8. Soak feet in warm soapy water again and brush to clean your nails.
9. Use pumice stone or foot file to remove dead cells and roughness from heels, soles etc.
10. Wash feet, dry it and massage with a rich foot cream.
So these are the simplified steps for pedicure at home. Every week if this pedicure is done religiously than you will not have any feet problem and your feet will become beautiful and soft as well.

I have heard that one should never clip his/her nails after soaking them in water as they are chipped easily!waiting for ur comment!
luv ur blog!I always believe in going the natural way of life!
Thanks, but toe nails are more easily clipped when wet. Anyways i will keep this in mind next time i get a self pedicure :)
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