Hi Ladies, there have been so many requests for a DIY Basic Manicure after my post DIY Basic Pedicure. Therefore, today I am going to tell about the simple steps of a basic manicure.
Remove old nail polish using a good quality nail polish remover.
Cut and give shape to your nails as per your choice. Use a good quality file/emery to give shape.
Soak hands in warm soapy water for 8-10 mins and use a nail brush to clean nails.
Also use a scrubber to remove any dead skin or roughness.
Soak hands in clean water and dry well.
Push back cuticles with a cuticle pusher.
Massage in a rich hand cream all over your hands concentrating on problem areas.
These steps followed weekly will make your hands beautiful and soft and also sanitize and clean your nails.

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