Today I am going to show you how to make a peel-off mask at home. This is a multi-purpose mask which helps in-
1. Whitening your complexion instantly (GLOWING)
2. Removes Blackheads
3. Deep Cleanses
4. Tightens your skin/pores
5. Controls oiliness.
Take the white of an egg is a small bowl and beat it slightly. Now using a face pack brush apply the egg white on your face and neck, avoiding the eye and mouth area. Take a thin tissue and cut out holes for your mouth, eyes and nose. Place it gently over your egg white brushed face, pat gently. Or you could tear the tissue into small pieces and place on your face one by one to cover fully.
1. Whitening your complexion instantly (GLOWING)
2. Removes Blackheads
3. Deep Cleanses
4. Tightens your skin/pores
5. Controls oiliness.
You could call this the cheapest mask ever because you need only the white of an egg. You, your mom as well as your sister etc can get this beautifying treatment from 1 egg's white. Ooohh you also need tissue paper for the mask- gawwd I forgot about it.
Take the white of an egg is a small bowl and beat it slightly. Now using a face pack brush apply the egg white on your face and neck, avoiding the eye and mouth area. Take a thin tissue and cut out holes for your mouth, eyes and nose. Place it gently over your egg white brushed face, pat gently. Or you could tear the tissue into small pieces and place on your face one by one to cover fully.
Now apply another layer of egg white over tissue and leave it on to dry. When completely dry, gently peel-off the tissue or tissue pieces in an upward direction from the face. Check out all the blackheads on the tissue...yuck.
Wash off with tepid water and apply a mild moisturiser.
Now I am updating this post to clear up many doubts of many anonymous readers. So I have come up with these points to remember for all my readers:
* Donot use gift wrapping tissues, Use the ones that you would generally use to blow your nose
* Take off the mask after its completely dry by peeling it from downwards to upwards direction
* Please be patient because it takes time to dry off completely
* Use only fresh/raw eggs
* For oily skin use twice in a week and for dry skin use once in a week or twice in 10 days
* The drying time depends on the season/weather/environment. in summers it would dry soon enough (15 mins maybe), in winters (25-30 mins maybe) and in airconditioned environment is takes a little more time to dry
Hope this extra tips clear your doubts. Thank you :)
Also Read: -
Now I am updating this post to clear up many doubts of many anonymous readers. So I have come up with these points to remember for all my readers:
* Donot use gift wrapping tissues, Use the ones that you would generally use to blow your nose
* Take off the mask after its completely dry by peeling it from downwards to upwards direction
* Please be patient because it takes time to dry off completely
* Use only fresh/raw eggs
* For oily skin use twice in a week and for dry skin use once in a week or twice in 10 days
* The drying time depends on the season/weather/environment. in summers it would dry soon enough (15 mins maybe), in winters (25-30 mins maybe) and in airconditioned environment is takes a little more time to dry
Hope this extra tips clear your doubts. Thank you :)
Also Read: -

would try and get back :) did u actually see the blackheads??????
is it mask okay to b used for sensitive skin? i dont think it wud create any problem bt wanted to make sure!
Vanity No Apologies
@Perfectskincareforyou- This mask is worth trying. Yes I saw the blackheads...yuck. But the stubborn ones wouldnt go in 1 sitting. Thanks, I will wait for your experience :)
@Vanity- yes I think you can safely use it bcoz egg is good for sensitive skin. Dont worry Babe, if you do get any problem get in touch with me. Thanks :))
hi, tomorrow I'll try the white egg mask!
thanks for the suggestion.
visit my blog ther is a new post
happy new year
hey cool tip! by the way happy new year.
@White Cabbage- Thanks alot. Do try it out and lemme know. Wish you a very happy new year :)
@Anju- thanks dear and wish you too a very happy new year :)
I love these kind of peel-off masks!!
HNY <3
Sabrina O.
is this mask also effective on white haeds......................
@Sabrina- thank you and wish you too a hny :D
@Ankur- yes it does remove white heads also :D
i really wanna try this :) but i wanna ask something, th white egg wont smell something bad , will it?
@chengs- it wont smell good either :P But all your blackheads will be gone so its worth the egg smell. Thanks :)
I am actually doing it right now.. waiting for it to dry... excited for the results.. LOL
@rara- lol... takes a lil longer to dry in winters. but the results are awesome with regular use. please do let us know your experience. thanks :)
thanks a bunch beautydiva! it worked!!! I didn't expect that and i was really happy with the results! How often can you do this on your face?
@rara- welcome dear :D Dont use this more than once a week as its winter now. With regular use you will have a blackhead-free skin with minimum pores showing on your skin. Thanks very much for letting us know your experience :)
i was looking for a diy blackheads removal and found your site. I actually tried it, some of my blackheads were gone! I was thinking maybe i peel it off too soon.
Pls. tell me how many minutes before i peel off? I will definitely try it again. Thank you.
@anonymous- drying time depends on many factors like your skin factor, weather condtion etc. So you have to decide your own timings, when your skin feels very stretched or when you touch your face with your fingertips and they come out dry then your mask is dry. Sorry cant help much. Thanks for being here :)
I want to try this! But I was wondering, what kind of tissue do you use? Thanks!
any normal tissue paper is fine...
any normal tissue paper is fine...
@interested- use the thin ones, they work well. Thanks for being here and commenting :)
@unknown- yes you are right, but the thin ones work well. Thank you :)
@simran- thank you so much for replying :)
@simran- thank you so much for replying :)
hi, i wonder if its ok to steam your fae first? so that it'll remove more blackheads? do you it will?
hi, i wonder if its ok to steam your fae first? so that it'll remove more blackheads? do you think it will?
@lynlyn- welcome to BDI, you may if you wish but i do it like i have described. Thank you :)
This is like the blackhead remover you can put on your nose from biore! right?
@anonymous- yes this thing is very near to the Biore strips. But its a little messy and you need to work a bit more than just applying the Biore strips. Thank you
Question: If you dont have a facepack brush thingy, is there any other type of brush you could use? maybe a clean un used and soft paintbrush?
I have a question:
If you dont have a facepack brush thingy, do you have any suggestions for another type of brush? maybe a clean and un used but soft sponge or paint brush?
Does this really work? Imbgoing to try it in an hour do you guys know of another great face masks to remove unwanted stuff?
@magpie33- Welcome to BDI, if you donot have a face pack brush either use your old blush/powder/foundation brush or use cotton pads to apply the mask. hope this helps you. thanks :)
@anonymous- yes there a lots of masks/scrubs available off the shelf. but at home use diy scrubs regularly to keep blackheads at bay. but this is my fave. thank you :)
Hi(: How often do you do these? (My apologies if this question has already been asked.) This is a great idea! Might try it with some of my friends!
I tried it and it does not work.
@anonymous- Welcome to BDI, once a week is fine in winters and once in 5 days for summers. Thank you & hope this helps
@anonymous- i think you did not let it dry fully before peeling off. Thats the mistake many people have done. Thanks
So, you use tissue paper? Like the kind that i would put in a gift bag?
what abt blackheads of nose as we don't put tissue paper over thr..
anonymous- use 2 ply tissues, they work best. also cover your nose with the egg white and tissue so that black heads comes out too. thanks
It didnt really work for me...):
I don't understand. Are we supposed to use tissue paper like in a gift bag or tissue like Kleenex? This is very unclear.
I agree about the tissue being unclear. I am wondering too. Is it Kleenex tissue (like blow your nose) or gift wrap tissue paper (like what you put in gift bags)?
Is it okay if you do like a paper mâché thing, but with an egg and tissue paper, instead of one layer of egg on your face then tissue paper then another layer of egg??
These worked great but I had yltrouble getting them on my face without sticking to my fingers. I used kleenexs as the strips and just on my nose but had trouble getting it to stick! Any tips?
These worked amazing my nose was so clear but ninjas trouble sticking them on to my nose and creases I just used kleenexes should I use a certain type of paper?
@anonymous- sorry for the delayed response. you can use kleenex or any other 2 ply tissue (tissues that can be peeled into 2). first apply a layer of egg white and stick on the tissue pieces and apply another layer of egg white. this should help. thanks
@anonymous- tear the tissue into small pieces, this helps when applying around nose/contours. thanks
I have colored tissue paper will this stain my face or safe to use
Use Kleenex
Use Kleenex
yes use kleenex and color of the tissue wont stain your face/skin. dont worry about this. Thank you all for the suggestions and appreciation.
Do you know if this works the same as Biore strips, or better? Thank you for posting (:
Do you have any tips on how to stop/cure breakouts in the mouth area? I can't figure out what do about them...
@emily ford- welcome to BDI, its better than biore stips according to me. those strips contain chemicals but this one is natural. thank you :)
@Desperate- welcome to BDI, please give details about your breakout. you can also mail me at
thank you
I would love love to try this but when it says whitening your skin?
@Srdesigns- welcome to BDI and thank you for your comment. Yes it whitens instantly for not permanently.
@Srdesigns- welcome to BDI and thank you for your comment. Yes it whitens instantly for not permanently.
which way do you peel off the mask? top to bottom or bottom to top?
This was amazing! I just did it and could see all the black heads on there! I love it! How often do I need to do it to get rid of the black heads?
Do you need to put a second layer of tissue after you've applied the first layer?
Works great! i saw my black heads right on the tissue paper! My skin felt so soft after.
The tissue paper is on my face now, just waiting for it to dry! I hope it works!
By tissue paper it means the wrapping kind right?
Wow.... Thank for inform it... :)
KLEENEX. it's written a million times above.
Gift wrap tissue paper. make eyes an nose areas an mouth put egg white on then tissue paper gift kind. then add more egg white let dry as a face mask. then peel up ward.
and i just ran out of eggs, so i will have to go shopping
trying this out tonight, though my mask looks nothing like yours..hope it works!
Do you use tissue paper or Kleenex ?
I have bags under my eyes/: it's basically a lot of just loose skin. So if I use this, would that help?
It worked! My skin is so smooth and healthy now! Thank you!!! :)
Does this work on just regular acne?
Have it on right now, had some trouble putting the second layer off egg white over the tissue (I used regular kleenex) because it kept tearing. Will follow up when dry!
U can't get simenela? From eggs? Just wanna make sure...
^i mean like if u have open sores or something?^
U can like get simenela from the raw eggs right? :-/
I just wanna make sure. Especiallly if u have open sores anywhere. ?
I meant can't not can.
Do you use tissues or tissue paper?
Yes... I have tried it and I have very sensitive skin!!! I love it
i have not tried this, but i have tried the homemade biore where you mix a tbsp of milk with tbsp of unflavored gelatin, put in microwave for 15-20 sec, apply to face while still warm, because it hardens fast. when totally dry, peel it off. it is EXACTLY like a biore strip, but for your whole face and cheap!
Hi! I would love to try this tonight, but I was wondering if it requires the tissue paper like from the kitchen or tissue paper like a kleenex?
@AnneKeat- welcome to BDI, no no you dont need a second but its your choice totally. thanks :)
@tried everything- Welcome to BDI, lolz that mask in the pic is just an example. mine is also not like that shown in pic. dont worry it will work, just be patient with it. thanks :)
@Jan- Welcome to BDI, thank you very much for your lovely comment. i am sooooo happy that it worked for you so well. thanks :)
@Jose Zarate- Thank you Jose for the wonderful tip. Welcome to BDI......
1. peel the mask from bottom to top
2. if you have oily skin than go for this mask twice a week and once in a week if you have dry skin.
3. use the kleenex kind tissue paper.
4. use tissue paper
5. please donot use this mask or any other mask if you have open sores. run to the doc :P
6. try only if you have a ton of patience.
thank you all for your lovely comments, do shott back if you have any queries. kindly also read the comments before asking a question as most querries have already been answered. welcome to BDI everyone
This is amazing! It works really well. I was amazed at how all of my blackheads were gone! Thank you so so much for your wonderful blog!
Me and my boyfriend tried this together we did it word for word , and our skin was just soft. No black head removal ... it was kinda disappointed :( and the tissue paper was gift wrapping tissue paper which didn't stick to the face very well. Is there some other type of paper we can use to remove the blackheads? Thank you -Raquel.
Are any of you literate, can you not read what it says. KLEENAX, USE KLEENAX, and let it dry, remove from the bottom working your way up. And for Petes sake wash your hands and face afterwards well because ut is raw egg and you can get salmonella poisoning
I have not tried this but I foresee a problem people may encounter if using colored gift tissue. When we were a kid we would put a little piece of colored gift tissue in our glue bottles to color our glue in school. The dye transfers from it very easily when it is wet.
How much does it whiten your skin? Because I happen to like my skin color and I don't want this mask to give me a whole shade lighter
At what point do the directions say GIFT tissue? Use your common sense people. Kleenex, facial tissues, SNOT RAGS if you will... Why in the world would you put colored gift bag paper on your face?
Wow this seems good I`m goin to try this tommorow. I have lots of blackheads so this should help.
I love it!! Is this safe to do every day?
How long does it take to dry?
Trying this right now, just waiting for it to dry. Can't wait to see the results!(:
Can you use, like Kleenex tissues? Or does it specifically have to be tissue PAPER
Use Kleenex.... The kind you use to blow your nose in...
tried this and I don't see how ya'll figure this works. Maybe it takes some dead skin off, but blackheads? No....
Is it boiled eggs then? Guess I'm confused
RE: "boiled egg?" -no, it's raw egg. Crack the egg, but don't let the yolk (yellow part) fall in. Just let the other syrupy bit fall into a bowl.
Tissue paper = Toilet paper = Bathroom tissue
I did this today and it worked!!!
I used toilet paper and it took quite a long time to dry since it was cottonelle ultra. My cheeks were still damp when I pulled it off, I didnt have the time to wait any longer but everything else was like plaster.
I got blackheads off of my nose and forehead! It probably would have gotten a lot off my cheeks if I had waited. It also pulled off the tiny peach fuzz hairs from my forehead and some of my slightly overgrown unibrow =P
Oh I also add some fresh lemon juice and about 1/4tsp honey. I usually make a mask using those ingredients so I decided to keep it the same.
Ill post image once photobucket is up.
How much will it whiten your complexion. Because I don't want to change it. I happen to like my skin tone :)
wow a lot of very dumb girls here.
Uhh not quite. It's a little unclear with all the comments and everything
@raquel- use the kleenex kind. and good to know that you liked it. thank you
@sarah weaver- thank you dear for the mask recipe. send you pics and i will love to uplaod them. use kleenex kind. it will work better
when you say it whitens your face do you mean it will get rid of your tan?
if u are using it as whitehead remover for your nose, then from which side should you remove it? thanks, gonna try it :)
Has anyone tried to speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer? Diva, think it'd work?
After reading every comment and argument on here, this was my only question. I don't know why it wouldn't work. (:
If you bothered to read any of this, you would see it says multiple times to peek upwards...
The question has still gone unanswered. How much will it whiten the complexion? I'm naturally tan and I don't want to end up looking funky with my face whiter than everything else.
It's been really fun reading the comments! I wonder if some of you are for real or just trying to get a rise out of the rest. Read all comments before asking questions. Your question may have already been answered and then you won't be wasting the bloggers time. And really? Cooked egg white? How were you gonna get that to stick?! Some common sense would go along way.
I buy and eat egg whites but it is the kind sold n cartons. Will that work the same or shall I use a fresh egg?
I'm currently waiting for this to dry and I hope that no one comes home because I feel like I look like a serial killer!
I just tried this today and it didn't work one bit so don't get your hopes if you are going to try this.
LOL, some of these comments are really hilarious..
I will try this tomorrow, I hope it works..
Are you meaning tissue that you blow your nose with or tissue that you wrap presents with??
Have any of you that are flipping out on the "dumb girls" ever stopped to think that maybe people have different meanings for terms or phrases in different countries and cultures?? In America when you say tissue paper it means gift wrap, tissue without paper is Kleenex, and never have I said or heard tissue anything used to describe toilet paper but I was intelligent enough to look up where the blogger was from and realize there may be a difference in what we call tissue paper. Why don't you step out of your yard for a second and look around the world before you start slamming people to make yourself feel superior to the "dumb girl". This post was meant to help people then you put up negative comments just because someone wanted to make sure they had the right tools to get the best results possible.
Diva, thank you for the great post! I am excited to try it. Thank you again!
This method is terribly painful, especially where you may have little hairs on your face like by your hairline.
Was really excited to try this, used a fresh egg and regular Kleenex (not the lotion kind or anything), made sure it was moist enough, left it on about 15 minutes, wasn't wearing any makeup, had no skin issues other than a blackhead-covered nose. When I peeled the mask off, no blackheads came off but my skin was brighter. The next morning my nose was covered in large clumps of acne and my chin was completely broken out. This kind of thing has never happened to me before, and I didn't eat anything new or weird or do anything different to my face other than the mask. Two weeks later and I still have some pretty bad scars on my nose from the acne. :( Glad that it worked for other people but I have no idea why that happened! All I can figure is it was the mask.
You are all either too lazy to read previous comments or half brain dead I swear!
1. Use kleenex or ass wipe NOT wrapping tissue! Seriously why would you all think that she is suggesting you put gift tissue on your faces?! Geez!
2. Also, if you don't wait until its so dry its almost hard to the touch of course it wont work!!!
3. And lastly if you have a hairy face, nair should probably be your first concern, not blackheads... just saying lol.
it dosent work, it just hurts like crap! i was surprised i still eyebrows when i was done.
what kind of skin care do you recommend after the mask? lotions, creams or just let it be?
It CLEARLY says to remove the strips going UPWARDS, and you must wait for it to DRY.
I'm not understanding why some of you are having such a hard time following clear directions or just using common sense.
And to the person who said something about "in America if someone says tissue paper then that means gift wrapping paper," like, SERIOUSLY? I've been in America for 22 years and maybe I just have a little more common sense than others, but I did NOT gather "gift wrapping paper" from this article.
Oh, and for the ones asking how long it takes to dry? Why don't you just do it at night before going to bed if you're so worried about how long it will take? Or use a blow dryer or fan to speed up the process? OR... here's the best one, WAKE UP EARLIER AND DO IT if you plan on heading out! Like, come on people...
If you have concerns or issues with how much it will "whiten" your complexion or whatever, either you can just opt to NOT do it or use the internet to find out from other sites.
People need to learn how to read previous comments before asking a freaking question and/or just using common sense. Sheesh!
*End of rant*
Will this mask make my face stink??
Well to Unknown, I've lived in the US my entire 30 years of existence. As far as I'm concerned tissue paper = gift wrapping paper. Where I'm from we do not refer to Kleenex as tissue paper, it's just tissue, so let's not be overly presumptuous.
As for common sense, clearly it's just not that common.
Tissue paper = the stuff you put in gift bags.
Facial tissue = Kleenex
Toilet tissue = toilet paper
They are all very different things.
Combine that with the fact that the picture on this post shows a BLUE mask and I can easily see how some people are confused about the type of tissue she is suggesting we use.
I just tried this (using Kleenex!) and it worked well for me. My skin is really soft right now and I did see the blackheads that came out. I think it might be easier to apply if you dip the kleenex in the egg white and then plaster that on your face. I'll try that next time. Spreading and sticking and spreading some more wasn't the easiest.
Samonila is very very rare and often carried on the outside of the egg shell, do I'm going to say no you most likely won't.
Any mask unless it has acids in it is only going to remove dead surface cells. A simple egg white mask is MOT going to lighten your skin. It may even out your complexion slightly because it is removing the dead surface cells that need to be exfoliated.
Does this remove those tiny fair hairs most people have on their face? Just asking because once they are pulled out ..they grow. Again. Longer and darker :p
After reading all the great comments, with such excitement I ran down the stairs, swung open the fridge went to grab an egg, and we're out. -_- Luckily, there's a Publix less than a mile down the road, I'll post my results in a few. :)
Yea I tried a couple times; one with Cottonelle tissue on my entire face ,and then tissue "gift" paper on certain areas. I let them dry completely aaand got nothing but tight skin. Black heads are still there and a couple white heads. Sigh. I had so much hope. O well.
Does it work if you have blackheads on ur nose but their small?
Someone is totally messing with you all. Figure that out.
My mom and I both did this tonite. Worked amazing, basically a biore strip but for your entire face. I could tell a big difference in my mom's complexion. My face felt tight and removed blackheads, etc. from my nose. Such a cheap fix with great results.
would it help to use a face scrub before the mask, to open up the pores a little bit? the biore strips have never worked for me, but i want to try this!
well i just tried it, and i did use a face scrub before hand. i definitely understand the concept of the mask, it peels off very well! i couldn't see any blackheads on the tissue, but my skin feels tighter, softer, and less bumpy. wasn't the result i was hoping for, but i would definitely use again to soften and tighten skin!
Salmonella? From this? Come on. I guess I'm the only one that found that extremely entertaining. I've studied avian and foodborne illnesses/pathogens for the last 12 years. This can NOT give you Salmonella. Believe me. Hah.
Do they sell eggs with just the whites?
If your bored and want a good laugh, read all of these comments from top to bottom. Hilarious!!!
Hey! The model in the first picture is not following your instructions! She is peeling it in a downward direction!
You cannot get salmonella from putting it on your face.
Read the other use either kleenex tissue or toilet paper. A thin kind of either.
Trying it now how can i tell if its fully dry?
Okay so that's when u read the comments and believe me they all pretty much say the same thing! Some people are just so slow that they still don't get it after its been repeated a freakin billion times! Like Really use a little bit of sense and it wouldn't be so darn difficult! poor little tink tinks!!!!!
Sooo, then can u explain why the same things have been repeated over an over an over and over again and they still can't get it? I mean its either pure stupidity or plain laziness. It would be more understandable if the question had only been asked once or twice but, come on now it don't matter where Ur from if u can read the blog then surely u should be able to read the comments.
Use a Kleenex lady! Can't u read????
So now why don't u take a few minutes and read all of the comments and use the stuff Ur actually supposed to use...I mean it might help just a little if you would just READ!
Have you never seen blue Kleenex? If not go to the store and take a look.
I agree, I can see how you could get paler skin, tighter skin, maybe cleaner just because you remove a layer of skin, but I just tried it and maybe my blackheads are too small or something, but it did not do anything for me there. :(
I have these white spots (not exactly pimples but looks like it) right under neath my eyes right on my cheek bones. I have tried so many facial washes and none of them works. I'm alergic to walnuts and some have walnut powder so can't use those. I scrub that area and it just gets raw and red. Will this mask help it?? I will DEFINATELY try this method to see if it will!
Are you retarded? I'm sure you must be. You realize they don't MAKE eggs right? They come out of a chickens butt just the way they are. You can buy cartons of strictly egg whites, but its not because those eggs CAME that way. They cracked them open and strained the yolks out. If you're not too ignorant, the most idiot proof way to get the white separated from the yolk is to do it through a collander (the big bowl with holes you strain your macaroni with) over a bowl. If you do it right the white will slip through and the yolk will stay in the collander.
Tried it, did it right, and it didn't work on the blackheads. I even let it dry completely. But I will say that it took a lot of dead skin off, & my complexion is nicer. It would be fun to do this on a girls night & get a picture with everyone in their tissue faces.:)
I have the stuff on my face can't wait for it to dry!!!
I'm trying this tonight! Very excited :)
I'm trying this tonight! Very excited :)
Okay, I did everything yoou said but i guess i still did something wrong cause when i peeled it off nothing came with it! I was really excited to try this but it was disappointing afterward.
Doing it right now!!! Can't wait for it to dry :)
Can you use single ply toilet paper?
I just did it and saw one blackhead on the tissue when i removed it :D Now my face feels so soft. I don't think you should expect to see any blackheads removed the first time. Keep trying it once a week and I'm sure u'll see something eventually
Kleenex!!! I dont knw how u have patience for these people beautydiva?!! Really they dont deserve to have beautiful skin if they cant read!!! Uuugghhh!!! Americans!
I found that if you use a blow dryer on your face with no heat, it speeds up the drying time and still works!
Can I use this on my nose?? Because I have black heads on my nose, and I am not sure weather that would be ok... because the directions say to make holes in the tissue paper for the nose and mouth, and I don't know if that would be OK.
hahaha I look like a mummy now, the mask seems to take forever to dry will follow up once it drys!
hahaha I look like a mummy now, the mask seems to take forever to dry will follow up once it drys!
In the process of doing it right now! Hoping for good results!
How is your face now in 2012??
just did it, worked great!
Ok so i tried to put the hard boiled egg white on my face with wrapping paper.... The egg fell off my face as i walked around the house with eye and nose holes in wrapping paper. My dog ate the egg off the floor and i dont have wrapping paper to wrap this gift.
Did i do this wrong?! :-P
No need to be rude.
I have done this many times and I never see blackheads. I let the mask dry over 45 min
Some of the confusion might be because in America tissue paper is the kind you wrap presents with. Tissues (Kleenex)o r toilet paper are different from tissue paper. Although not everyone subscribes to this, a lot do. I had the same confusion at first. Thought this may help. :) thanks for the mask. Its wonderful!
Haha! lol
Is your name India?
@Marni Mares OMG your comment made me laugh so hard! good one :)
Pure entertainment! Looking forward to trying this &I hoping I get it right after :)
Just something I thought I would mention : oily skin does not messes array mean it's not dry. If you have dry and oily skin use the recommended one for dry. Throughout the week carry on your normal cleansing and moisturizing routine.
Messesary is supposed to be necisarily
The thing is... Several people have said to use the tissue paper (the blow ur nose kind) sooooo, unless u use gift wrap to blow ur nose.. Wise up!
Youre not supposed to put it on ur eyebrows...
I just did this and it was awesome! :)
oh god its the funniest comment collection here...
somebody put hardboiled eggs on face on wrapping paper.......... lolzzzzzzzzzz
hi im doing it now and i was wondering what counts as a mild moisturizer????
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