Take a tsp of honey and 2 tsps of almond paste or powder, mix well and apply on lips. Leave on for 5-10 mins and gently scrub off. Dip a cotton ball in warm water and clean off.
Take 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 1/2 tsp of sugar granules and 2 tsps of glycerin, mix well and apply on lips. Leave on for 5 mins and scrub off gently. Now clean off with a clean cotton ball dipped in warm water.
Take 1 tsp each of almond oil and coconut oil, 5-7 drops of sandalwood oil and 2 tsps of glycerin, mix well and store in a small jar. Use on your lips atleast 4-5 times a day. Leave on or clean off with damp cotton ball after 15 mins.
Mix together 1 tsp fresh milk cream with 1/2 tsp of honey on your lips daily to prevent chapping.
Make a lip balm by yourself at home by mixing together 1 tbsp each of coconut oil and vaseline and few drops of lemon juice. Store in a small air tight jar and use on your lips several times a day. This lightens your lips and keeps them chap free.
Always prime your lips before applying lipstick and I recommend using a good quality lip brush to apply lipsticks on your lips. Always use a good quality lipstick that suits you and at all times apply lipbalm or vaseline. I use Lotus lip balm (cocoa butter), it works great for me also Oriflame Tender Care is another good lip balm.

Hi :)
Great advice, i have to try this out :)
x Christine
Thanks BAbe, try it out and lemme know :)
woow m gonna try this thankz 4 sharing !
Thanks babe... Wc
hey baby can i get ure numba 4 more advices
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