I received this "One Lovely Blog Award" from www.chrystalsbeautyblog.blogspot.com, my friend Chrystal who swatches makeup products on her blog. Hers' is a colorful blog with lots of makeup products along with swatches. And I am an ardent follower of her blog.
Here is what you do when you receive this award:
1. make a post about the award and link the blog of the person who gave it to you
2. give the award to 15 blogs that you've found out recently
3. tell these bloggers' that they have an award
But right now the don't have 15 new found blogs but I will surely pass it on in a few days time.
I will post the names of the names ASAP.
Thanks Chrystal and thanks to you all.
I will post the names of the names ASAP.
Thanks Chrystal and thanks to you all.

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