So I just kept looking at the compact and kept thinking to use it some how. Then I remembered reading somewhere that a girl used mineral foundation, that didn't match her skin color, as nail polish. And presto :D
I finally came up with the idea of using the compact instead of my mineral foundation which suits me. I scraped out a chunk and mashed it well to make a fine powder. When enough powder was produced, I took my clear coat nail polish, a small plastic platter and poured a small amount of clear polish and added a little powdered compact. I kept adding powder till I got a liquid resembling nail polish. Thereafter I hurriedly applied my newly concocted nail polish on my nails. You can see the ring and middle finger didn't get a nice smooth finish but the other 3 did. In this pic I didn't apply top coat but top coat is a must . If the powder is not smooth enough then you may get bumps like mine. Try it out and let me know. Bye Babes.

This is an interesting idea...It is not that smooth looking but idea of home made polish is fantastic..:)
Thanksssss... The powder wasnt very fine thats why uneven :-( but my toes were flawless :-D
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