Garnier Light, known for its bright yellow look and fun ads with Priyanka Chopra, is set on a mission. They want to create one simple solution for all women’s fairness needs. Dark spots, blemishes, skin tanning, dark circles, uneven skin or pigmentation. Whatever your skin problem and your skin type, Garnier Light is your One Stop Solution to all your Fairness Problems.
Playing on the relation between the wish for ‘light skin’ and the brand name, Garnier Light’s campaign brings to light the complete Garnier range including moisturisers, cleansers and eye care using quirky one-liners like ‘Fight the dark spots fight, Let There Be Light’ and ‘Win the Shining armoured knight, Let There Be Light’.
Started by asking fans on Facebook and Twitter ‘what they wish their skin was like’ using interactive wall posts and a hashtag on Twitter #IWishMySkinWas.
Most women said they wished their skin was fairer and lighter; and for all their problems Garnier said, ‘Let There Be Light’, introducing how each of the products available in the Light range serves different needs to give you the desired flawless, fair skin.
To know more about the products available, you can visit (

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