- Hot days are here; keep your energy high through some careful planning. Keep outdoor activities for the evening. Take a little rest during the day especially after lunch; I can understand that it is not possible for us to take a nap. You will feel fresh, rejuvenated and recharged so try it out yourself.
- Get yourself a light citrusy perfume/deo whichever you like. Let your hair dry naturally whenever possible. If you have to use a dryer than hold it away from the hair and keep moving it, do not concentrate on one particular area/strand.
- Take out all your creamy lippies, I feel this type of lipstick is great for this time. Use light shades or MLBB shades for the day and move on to brighter ones for the nights.
- A diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is highly recommended. The darker, outer leaves of salad and greens are 20 times higher in Vitamin A than the paler inner ones. Avoid all fried and spicy food and retort to fresh homemade food.
- During this time use gram flour (besan ) for a smooth and glowing complexion. Take about a cup of besan and add to it some rose water, strain the paste through a fine cloth. Then apply this paste thinly on the face, neck, arms, legs etc. not forgetting your nape. Then wash off with cool water after 20 mins.
- Another way to pamper your skin is to use tomato juice, regular use will make your skin flawlessly pretty. Simply press small tomato bits through a muslin cloth and collect the juice in a cup. Apply on your face arms and legs and allow it to dry before splashing with cold water.
- Henna is the oldest natural way to treat your hair. Apart from conditioning, it can give the hair beautiful shades and lustre.
- Wear cottons instead of synthetics clothes. Choose pastels and cool shades, florals are in right now.
Next we shall talk about makeup and colors that are in this summer. Thanks for reading this post and have a great weekend ahead :)

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