Hello everyone, yesterday I recieved a beautiful peach box with peach ribbons from Parachute Advansed Body Lotion/Marico Pvt Limited. It is a perfect gift for me just before Valentine's Day. There are chocolates, scented candles, a cd with romantic songs and Parachute Advansed Body Lotion in 2 different varities. Now just the pics and enjoy.
**Sorry for the bad quality pics**
Thank you all and do have a nice time :)

Wow... That's a nice gift :) Expecting your reviews soon
Enter my Giveaway here: MABH and GLOSSYBOX Special Giveaway! {Enter to win a Super Glossybox}
@lancy- yup its soooo pretty, I am loving the chocolates and candles also along with the lotions...with the music in the background :P
I ♥ this!
@gauri- me loving it too. Thanks :)
Wow.. nice.. Beautiful looking package there! Any clue on when you'll be doing the review for the body lotion?
@pratyu- really very nice looking packaging. I have to use the lotions atleast for 10-12 days before reviewing it. Thanks :)
Hey Beautydiva :) I am getting tis valentine's day gift too from parachite :D They had mailed mme.. yipeeee
@lancy- congratssss dear. You will love it. Later you can use the box to store things (read beauty/makeup stuff) :D
Wow.. That's another benefit :D Did you like the chocolates ??
@lancy- yes good one, tastes similar to the Amul sugar-free/diebetic chocolates :P Please babe post the pics :D
Sure My Dear Friend :) You review the lotions soon, I would love to read ur reviewS :)
@lancy- sure i will review, both lotions are awesome but right now I am using the dry skin lotion and lovingggg it. It makes my skin so soft that I keep touching myself :P ;) lol.... On a serious note its very moisturising but not greasy. You will love it too.
Yeah me too guess the same thing about the dry skin lotion beautydiva :) especially in this climate which strips off excess moisture from the skin.. :)
@lancy- agree :) hey dont think RBR will send the launches, you got any idea?
They didn't send me :( and why don't you conduct glossybox giveaway on beautydiva?
@lancy- i will conduct the giveaway after some days. I have told them about this and they are ok with it.
Wow.. that's nice to hear :) I am eagerly waiting to participate :)
@lancy- thank you so much my dear friend. I have two more giveaway lined up, one will be avon giveaway and other one I havent decided on the products.
Tats really great :) May I know your name if you don't mind.. beauty diva :P :D eager to know
@lancy- my mom calls me 'beauty', a lil weird i know but thats my name as well :P
Thats not wierd :) I guess u r very beautiful that's y they have chosen the name for you :)
@lancy- I dont consider myself beautiful but I am ok I guess and cant call myself ugly as well... Lol... Many people dont beleive its not my real name so I feel a lil bad at times :(
Hey don't feel bad :) They may be jealous.. You have a super unique name dear :) I love it... U r name is beuuuuuuutyyful :)
@lancy- thanks a ton for believing me dear. It feels good :D
No mention my dear beautiful friend :)
@lancy- you made my day :D xoxo
Ha ha thank you :) Happy day dear.. Hope we ll be good frnds
@lancy- Yes dear we will be. You too have a nice day. Me sadly reaches my office now. Shall talk later, tc babe :D
wow...nice gift...how i can get this..?? :-)
@anonymous- thank you, it really is pretty :)
Very neat looking gift box! My cousin sister was telling me about this parachute body lotion and she said that it has been working really well for her. I plan on trying it out sometime before the summer heat really starts! It helps that it comes in different sizes so I can carry it to work and back without too much hassle!
@lancy- agree :) hey dont think RBR will send the launches, you got any idea?
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