Our feet are definetely the most ignored and badly treated part of the body. Let's admit it that most of us probably do not think about our feet until they start complaining. If you have been neglecting your feet lately, decide immediately to rectify the mistake. Make it a point to give your feet all the extra care they deserve to make up for the years of neglect. If you ignore to deal with your feet problems now, they can become worse and even turn serious in course of time. Well shaped and soft feet are beauty assets which are in total display in those sexy strappy sandals. But for the good health of your feet, it is necessary to keep them in good shape throughout the year. Here are a few random tips to keep your feet in pristine condition.
* Regularly soak feet in warm water to which 2 tbspns of Epsom Salt have been thrown in. Leave your feet immersed in this solution for 15 mins.
* Daily abrassion is the key to soft smooth feet, use a pumice stone or foot file daily during bath.
* Scrubbing is another important aspect in foot care. Take a tspn of oil, vegetable/olive/almond oil, and add some sea salt and gently scrub your feet for about 5-10 mins. Wash off while bathing.
* Apply foot cream liberally at night before retiring. If foot creams donot work for you, mix together 2 tbspns of lemon juice and 1 1/2 tbspns of glycerin a small bottle and massage into your feet every night. Wear cotton socks and see how well moisturised they are.
* in a basin of hot water, add a tbspn of mustard oil and soak your feet in it for 15 mins. Step under the tap and allow cold water to run over your feet. This is great for relaxing your feet.
* Massage a couple of drrops of almond oil into your feet, you can also add almond oil to your regular foot cream for added benefits.
That's it for now, hope you enjoy reading this post. Thank you and have a great time :)

I am going to try the mustard oil tip. My feet feels so stressed out nowadays
@anju- go ahead, try it. Your feet will be clean, soft & moisturised and relaxed in one go. Thanks :)
Very nice tips and are easy to follow steps. Thanks so much for sharing such a helpful information.
@foot care products- welcome to BDI, thank you so much for your sweet comment :)
hi nice post, got a valuable information about foot care. These is really useful for taking care of foot.
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