Ever despaired of wearing that strand of pearls or that delicate chain of gold? All because you were ashamed of your ugly neck? Don't worry, help is at hand. You regularly cleanse, tone and moisturise your face. Your feet are scrubbed and your hands well manicured. But ignoring your neck is sure to affect your looks. All that lack of attention will show as a darker, unsightly and if not careful, a wrinkled neck that detracts people with its sheer unseemliness. Usually, all salon treatments like facials do good to your neck. If your neck is darker than the rest of you, try bleaching but not at home. Don't forget to cleanse, tone and moisturise it. Be generous with the sunscreen lotion and the anti-wrinkle cream.
Toning the neck
Want to get rid of that stubborn double chin and lift up your neck? Try out this exercise and you'll soon notice the difference.
1. Sit straight, erect with your chin held high. Keep your lips closed. Try and smile with only your upper lip.
2. Place one hand at the base of your throat over the collar bone and pull down slightly on the skin with a firm grip
3. Tilt your head. You will feel a strong pull on the chin and neck muscles. Return to your normal head position.
Repeat the exercise 30 times. If your neck and chin are posing problems, do this exercise twice a day.

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