If we follow a low fat, vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diet, we can slow down the aging process. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, complex carbohydrates and a newly discovered range of anti-aging, anti-disease chemicals called phytochemicals, can reverse the process of aging.
Fresh fruits are great for youth. Berries, such as blue berries, strawberries, currents, jamuns, etc., and apples contain ellagic acid, which contain anti-cancer properties. Apples, in particular, contain ferrulic acid (anti-cancer) and octacosanol (anti-Parkinson-ism element). Hence an apple a day really does keep the doctor away!
Apricots contain six carotenoids, with anti-aging properties.
Bananas contain catechols, which aid immune function.
Berries also contain anthocyanosides which may help prevent heart disease.
Papayas, mango, pineapple and watermelon have anti-cancer properties.
Citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, lime and grapefruits contain flavonones to fight cancer, besides being rich source of Vitamin C and fiber.
Vitamin C in oranges, papayas, guavas, tomato soups and citrus drink concentrates is associated with lower mortality.
To keep age at bay, vegetables are the best bet. Tomatoes contain an estimated 10,000 phytochemicals, including lycopene, p-coumaric acid and chlorgenic acid, all of which are anti-cancer substances, and also GABA, which may aid in the prevention of high blood pressure. It's time to get saucy!
Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, turnips and radishes aid in the prevention of breast cancer. Potatoes benefit immune function and carrots are a rich source of beta carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A and the maintenance of visual function. Celery has a possible role in the prevention of skin ailments and the prevention of lymphoma. Onions help lower blood cholesterol levels.
Beta Carotene found in sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrot soup, red or orange veggies, fruits with colored skins and green leafy veggies, is associated with a lower risk towards heart attack, strokes and death.

great post. it was a pleasure and as well as very informative to read
@anju- thanks a lot dear :)
very true. good post!
@asta- thanks dear :)
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