Orange is that tangy fruit that all of us love. Its full of Vitamins B n C and Calcium. This fruit from the citrus family has healing powers, it can combat acne. Regular use of Orange juice can heal acne and act as a natural bleach for your skin. It also has rejuvenating powers, cuts away the stale look of oily skin. Here I have a few 'Orange-y' recipes for you all:
* To Heal Acne: Mix together 2 tspn of Fuller's Earth, 1 tspn of orange peel powder, 1 egg, a few drops of lemon juice and 2 tspns of orange juice. Apply all over face and keep it on for 30 mins. Gently scrub off to remove but don't scrub over the acne. Regular use of this pack gives your skin a moist dewy look.
* To Combat Excessive Oiliness:- Mix together 1tspn gram flour, 1/2 tspn of sandalwood powder, 3 tspn orange juice and a little strawberry pulp. Apply all over the face and let it dry. Now scrub off and wash your face. It will give you a fresh and glowing complexion without the stale greasy look.
* To Remove Dullness:- Mix 1 tspn each of orange peel and ground apple peel. Also add to it the white of an egg, 1 tspn milk and 2 tspn of orange juice. Apply all over face and when dry, scrub to remove. Wash off. If used regularly it will impart a healthy glow to your face.
* To Remove Wrinkles n Freckles:- Mix together 2 tspn each of orange juice, grape juice/pulp, coconut milk, flour n sandalwood powder. Apply on your face and gently scrub till all the mask falls off your face.
* To Fade Black Spots:- Mix 2 tspn of gram flour, 1 tspn sandalwood powder, 1/4 tspn turmeric, 1 tspn orange peel powder, 2 tspn apple juice and 2 tspn of orange juice. Apply on your face and let it dry before scrubbing it off and washing your face.

orange peel powder is very gud for the skin..n works too..nice tips..
@Bhumika- thanks and agree with you on this. Orange peel when powdered makes the best scrub in combination with other ingredients :)
My best friend used to dry orange peels in the sun & then grind them up to use as exfoliator - she was very fond of it - nice tips :)
Just came across your page and must say neat tips...considering its the orange season...nice ones :)
@Tanveer- Same here, me too dries orange peel in the shade and then grind them every year, kind of a early ritual for me. Thanks :)
@Anamika K- Thanks for stopping by :) Am happy that you like my blog/tips...please do visit again. Orange is such a versatile fruit that its peel is also useful, try rubbing a little pure n fresh orange juice on your and see how soft and radiant it becomes.
oranges or any other herbs should always be dried in shade otherwise they lose their efficacy......and one more thing is for people suffering from acne should use only orange peels to wash their face every time...that helps control the acne and breakouts......
@Swati- thanks a ton for sharing your tips with us. Please do keep visiting. Thanks :)
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