Lemon plays a vital role in beauty care. Almost all face packs can be mixed with a few drops of lemon juice and water.
Lemon juice and honey taken with tepid water first thing in the morning, helps in reducing weight. Whereas Lemon juice and honey taken with cool water in the evening puts on weight.
The smell of egg can be removed from the hair during egg hair wash by adding lemon juice to the beaten egg.
Dandruff can be cured by massaging the scalp with lemon juice. Lice can be killed by the application of lime and ginger juices. You will find amazing results.
Lemon is a boon for pimple prone skin. Heat half a lemon; with the open, cut side away from the tava/griddle. Let the tava/griddle become hot. Add sugar on to the cut lemon and let it melt. Apply this white warm paste on to the pimples and blemishes. You will find them vanishing within a few days, without leaving scars.
Lemon slice and granulated sugar will smoothen and bleach your skin. Though it is best used on hands and feet, elbows and knees but not for facial skin.
Facial hair can be removed by massaging a paste of lemon juice and gramflour/besan. Rub a leftover lemon peel on nails to make them strong and shiny. Lemon juice has bleaching properties.
Dental beauty can be improved by massaging a mixture of 1 tspn lemon juice, 1 tspn rosewater and 1/2 a tspn of salt, daily. Dried lemon peel powder, 2 drops of clove oil and and little rock salt can be mixed and used to clean teeth. You will find marvelous results by its use. Thin peel lemon is best for this recipe.
Lemon juice in combination with fresh cream makes a natural moisturising lotion and helps prevent dryness and premature wrinkles.
Thus we see that the Lemon has many beautifying properties. It is a versatile fruit. If you ladies got any more lemon tips please let me know, I will publish them here in my blog with your names.

gr8 tips!
i love lemon ..i use it on almost all my face backs:)
hi there, me too uses it all the time. thanks
info is interesting and I like:)
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