My Lovely Followers

Friday, December 31, 2010


                Today I am going to show you how to make a peel-off mask at home. This is a multi-purpose mask which helps in-

1. Whitening your complexion instantly (GLOWING)

2. Removes Blackheads

3. Deep Cleanses

4. Tightens your skin/pores

5. Controls oiliness.

              You could call this the cheapest mask ever because you need only the white of an egg. You, your mom as well as your sister etc can get this beautifying treatment from 1 egg's white. Ooohh you also need tissue paper for the mask- gawwd I forgot about it.
          Take the white of an egg is a small bowl and beat it slightly. Now using a face pack brush apply the egg white on your face and neck, avoiding the eye and mouth area. Take a thin tissue and cut out holes for your mouth, eyes and nose. Place it gently over your egg white brushed face, pat gently. Or you could tear the tissue into small pieces and place on your face one by one to cover fully.
             Now apply another layer of egg white over tissue and leave it on to dry. When completely dry, gently peel-off the tissue or tissue pieces in an upward direction from the face. Check out all the blackheads on the tissue...yuck.
Wash off with tepid water and apply a mild moisturiser.

Now I am updating this post to clear up many doubts of many anonymous readers. So I have come up with these points to remember for all my readers:

* Donot use gift wrapping tissues, Use the ones that you would generally use to blow your nose

* Take off the mask after its completely dry by peeling it from downwards to upwards direction

* Please be patient because it takes time to dry off completely

* Use only fresh/raw eggs

* For oily skin use twice in a week and for dry skin use once in a week or twice in 10 days

* The drying time depends on the season/weather/environment. in summers it would dry soon enough (15 mins maybe), in winters (25-30 mins maybe) and in airconditioned environment is takes a little more time to dry

Hope this extra tips clear your doubts. Thank you :)

Also Read: -




Pigmentation- Causes,Prevention & Cure

What is Pigmentation?
Pigmentation problem can be a serious skin concern among women. In addition to ugly marks and patches on the skin, there is a lot of emotional stress on the person. This is why it is incredibly difficult to deal with pigmentation problem. Moreover, if you don't apply the right type of skin care products, the skin condition may aggravate and lead to more serious problems

Causes:- Skin pigmentation can be caused by a variety of factors. While some are natural some happen because of skin care negligence. Here are some of the common causes of skin pigmentation. The most common reasons are pregnancy and exposure to sun. During pregnancy the hormone level can increase the body’s production of melanin, a pigment that tints the skin.

Kinds:- Melasma, Chloasma, Solar Lentigines (Sun Damage), Ephelides (Freckles), PIH or post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation

Home Remedies:-
* Mix together Dhalia- 2 tbspn, Honey- 2 tspn and Juice of 1/2 a Lemon. Apply on your face and when its semi-dry scrub it off gently. Wash off.

*Mix together granulated sugar and raw milk. Keep scrubbing gently till the sugar dissolves. Wash off.

*Take a tomato and puree it and apply on your face. Leave it on for 15-20 mins, wash off.

*Papaya pulp also helps if used similar to tomato pulp.

Prevention:- Proper sun protection is the only way to prevent pigmentation. Use a sunscreen lotion with atleast 15-20 SPF all over your face and neck and also on other exposed body parts.


Once a month your skin deserves a special treatment, a facial. Give your skin this once a month self facial to ensure a radiant glow and creamy complexion.

Step 1: Take a little Cleansing Lotion/Cream and apply on dots all over face, neck and nape. Massage gently with your fingertips for a min or two. Keep it on for another min and wipe off with a moist cotton ball with soft hands. This step is important as it removes all impurities as well as stale makeup.

Step 2: Moisten your face with warm water and apply a suitable scrub on your entire face, neck and nape. Avoid the area around your eyes and lips. Massage with circular motion for couple of mins or as long as you want.

Step 3: Steam your face with hot water for 5 mins. Add a dash of lemon juice in the water. Skip this step if you don't know how to do steaming.

Step 4: If you have blackheads, wrap 2 tissues around 2 index fingers and gently press to remove them. Don't press hard as you may injure your soft facial skin.

Step 5: Choose a face pack according to your skin type and apply with a brush on your whole face, neck and nape avoiding the eye area and the lips. Keep it on till it dries. Wash off with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel.

Step 6: Now take toner in a cotton ball and apply as required to close the pores and tighten the skin.

Step 7: Take a suitable moisturiser and apply all over face, neck and nape in dots. Gently massage it into your skin.

Step 8: Now atlast use a rich eye cream all around the eyes. Massage gently.


                 A sound massage with a good cream enriched with Vitamin E helps reverse the adverse effects of environmental damage by increasing the skin's water content and preventing loss due to evaporation. Left on the skin overnight, the unique ageless formula of Vitamin E in the cream assists in the repair of the skin which has been surface-damaged by exposure. It restores flexibility of the skin by correcting the moisture balance. The cream should be applied with proper massaging movements. The friction caused increases the supply of blood to the skin and helps it stay supple.

Massage Technique:-
The Forehead:- Gently massage the forehead upward from the eyebrows to the hairline with alternate movements of the hands.

The Eyes:- With both hands working simultaneously, make circles around the eyes.

To Smoothen Laugh Lines:- Massage with both hands by upward movements over the laugh line, ending between the corner of the mouth and nostrils.

Against Sagging of the Lower Part of the Face:- With both hands working alternately,take the jawline between the 2nd and the 3rd finger, making upward movement from the point of the chin to the temporal muscle.

For the Neck:- Using alternately both hands cupped around the neck, firmly massage with a download movement.

                 A regular massage with a correctly formulated cream nourishes the skin and keeps it looking young.



                Most of the time oil massage is followed by a steaming treatment for giving heat. The application of heat stimulates blood supply to the scalp and increases metabolism and flow of sebum.

With Towels:-

* Take a small basin of boiling hot water

* Dip the center of the towel in the water with both the ends on the edges of the basin

* Hold the dry ends, one in each hand and twist to squeeze out extra water from the towel.

* Open out the towel to let out extra steam and test the temperature on the back of your hand

* Wrap the towel around your head and press it gently with your hands

* Take another towel and repeat the process. Use 2 towels in alteration. As soon as the towel on your head cools down, replace with the warm one

* The process should be continued for 4-6 times, or till the water in the basin has cooled


* The water should be squeezed out completely. Dripping of water on your face and neck can burn your skin and spoil your clothes. It is uncomfortable to have water dripping all over you.

* Temperature of the towel should be checked on the back of your hand to prevent burns

* As soon as the steaming treatment is over, shampoo your hair immediately. Do not sit in a draught.

                        Steaming with towels enables the scalp to absorb the oil more effectively. However, it has to be handled carefully if you want to avoid burns.


                    Sometimes back my dear blogger friend Tanveer had tagged me to share how I maintain long nails. Some others from fb also tag me every now and then to share my 'secret' nail regime. Honestly I do not do anything special for my nails.
                   Just like most of you I use a hand and nail cream on my hands and massage my nails for a min. I buff regularly and keep my nails clean, using a nail brush. I used to apply Revlon nail hardener but nowadays I am told that its no more available I have changed to Colorbar Nail Treatment. But yes on Sunday mornings I soak my nails in a small bowl of warmed olive/almond oil for 5 mins and then massage hands and nails for a couple of mins.
                 Also once in a while I soak my nails in a small bowl of warm salty water for 2-3 mins, my grandma told me this treatment helps in growing the nails. A weekly normal manicure is a must for me and I do carry my own manicure set to the saloon. Diet is also very important for good nails so I take my required dose of calcium from natural food source, I don't take extra calcium supplement.

Maximum Use Of MakeUp

*When your mascara dries, don't throw it away, dip the tube in hot water for a few minutes and your mascara is ready for use again. This trick works twice or thrice only.

* Cotton Balls soak up a lot of liquid, so at first soak it in water squeeze it and then use it to apply cleansers, lotions etc.

* When your lipstick breaks, melt the broken part over a flame for few seconds and join it, its new again.

* Don't throw away tubes containing cosmetic products when they finish off. Cut open and you will be surprised to see the amount of product left inside it. Use it up instead of throwing it away.

* Apply petroleum jelly on the neck of nail polish bottles so that it doesn't get hard and opens easily.

* If your nailpolish thickens, add a few drops of thinner to the bottle. Shake it and it is new again.

* Keep your lip and eye pencils in the fridge for an hour or so before sharpening it. The tip will not break and come out pointed.

* To make perfumed bath oil, take 1 tbspn of olive oil and add to it a few drops of Eau de Toilette. Enjoy the fragrance.

* If your blusher shade doesn't suit you, don't throw it away. Use it up as eyeshadow. You never know it might be a good shade for your eyes.

* Use a q tip to remove eye shadow fallout and to correct other makeup flaws in a hurry.

* If you find your tweezers rusting a bit, don't worry. Scrub it properly with a piece of sand paper to sharpen it, your tweezers will be new again.

* Mix 2-3 wrong shades of lipsticks to get a correct/wearable shade.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

NOTD- Avon Simply Pretty- Glitter Galaxy

                    Hi Ladies, this is the color that I have on my nail today. So I thought of doing my very first NOTD :-D This color is from Avon Simply Pretty 'Glitter Galaxy' a brownish shade with olive undertones with oodles of glitter. Three coats were needed for full opacity. Perfect for parties and this festive/holiday season.



              Acne is a common inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands just below the skin surface. It is characterized by the recurring formation of blackheads, whiteheads and acne. Primarily, acne occurs on the face but in some cases, it may be noticed on the back, shoulders, chest and arms.

Causes:- Hormones, are the main culprits and when they are at their peak of activity, influencing the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The excess production of sebum causes breakouts that are highly incidental during puberty and menstruation. At times, psychological stress cause acne.

Prevention:- Balanced nutrition and diet, skin hygiene, adequate sleep, exercise, fresh air, sunlight, meditation help in combating acne.

Role of Diet:- Diet is an important factor in acne. Carbohydrates and food with high fat content should be avoided from diet. The high content of oxalic acid that is present in chocolates, cocoa and rhubarb inhibits the body's absorption of calcium. Since Calcium maintains the acid-alkali balance of the body, it is important for a clear complexion. Reducing salt intake in your diet also shows a remarkable improvement in complexion. Vitamins are necessary for your lovely, smooth skin. Vitamin A is important for clear, healthy skin. Vitamin B Complex reduces facial greasiness and the formation of blackheads.


*Saturate cotton wool in mint juice extract and apply everyday.

* Apply crushed marigold leaves on acne.

* Boil and mash plums to get roughly 8 tspns. Combine with 1 tspn of almond oil and apply.

* Make a smooth paste of Kasturi Turmeric and apply evenly on acne.

* Apply a mask made out of fresh margosa leaves ground to a fine paste. Add 1/4 tspn each of turmeric powder, sandal paste and gram flour. Let it dry completely before rinsing.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


4 gms for INR 79

Company Says:- Moisturising formula protects lips from dryness.

Ingredients:- Not Listed

My Opinion:- I am a great lip balm lover. I have used Vaseline, Nivea, VLCC, Jovees, Lotus Herbals (My HG) and many more but I always crave for new ones. So this time I went ahead to try out Avon Naturals Lip Balms. I got 3 of them because I liked them all- Strawberry, Peach and Aloe flavors.

                      The Strawberry lip balm smells somewhat like strawberry jam :D and I like it sooo much. The Peach one smells fruity and I somehow relate it to vanilla ice-cream for unknown reasons :D and the Aloe one smells like fresh herbs much like the Aloe Vera gel and I kind of hate it on my lips. Though the smells is gone after 10-15 mins of application and not that its overpowering but still scent/smell does make a big difference to me.


                        The Peach one is very moisturising and very creamy, the Strawberry one come next in moisturising and its creamy texture. But for some reason the Aloe lip balm is not very moisturising or for that matter creamy- I was a little shocked because Aloe Vera is a powerful natural moisturiser. Anyways, I have been benefited from the peach and strawberry lip balms tremendously. My dry chapped lips have been revived to quite an extent- happy me :D

                      This lip balms comes in a convenient tube like lipsticks and has to be twisted at the bottom for the balm to come out. The balm stays on for about 3 hrs and then needs to be applied again. So I have to keep reapplying throughout the day. The moisurising effect is also short lived. If I stop applying the balm, my lips becomes dry again. But then it feels light on my lips and its not sticky as well.


* Affordable

* Travel-friendly

*Packaging is good

* No fear of contamination since it comes in a stick form

* Many flavors available to choose from

* Very creamy and moisturizing


* Effect is temporary

* Ingredients not listed

* No mention of UV protection.

I rate this product 3.50 and I already have 3 right now so I don't I will need to buy these again. Good product but not absolute must for me :)

Milk Baths For Soft & Silky Skin

              Cleopatra used to take Milk Baths everyday so why not you too start doing it once in awhile. Milk baths are an ideal way to nourish and soften your skin especially during the winters. Milk baths can be a costly proposition but I have come up with a couple of milk based baths that won't pinch your purse.
* Add 1/2 cup whole milk to your bath water. Swirl it to mix well and use the water for your bath.

* Take a small muslin bag and fill it with- 3 tbspn each of milk powder, powdered oats and laundry starch. Dip the bag into a bucket of water and leave it immersed for 5 mins or until water turns milky. Bathe with this water.

* Take 3 tbspn of milk powder, 1 tbspn of almond oil and 1 tbspn of powdered oats. Add 2 cups of hot water to the powders and strain the liquid. Now add the oil and pour into your tub or bucket.

             After bathing always dry your entire body with a large fluffy towel. Thereafter use you favorite moisturiser on your body while still damp. Wait for a couple of mins before putting on your clothes.

Vitamin- The Beauty Connection (Vitamin E)

                  Vitamin E also known as Tocopherol is referred to as the Fertility Vitamin or the Oil of Fertility.

Vitamin E:-
* Aids Fertility and Virility

* Helps to cure Hair problems like Baldness and Dandruff

* Provides a shield against Sunburn

* Cures Athletes Foot, Corns and Varicose Veins

* Prevents premature Aging

Dietary Sources of Vitamin E
Cereals/Grains:- Wheatgerm, Wheat
Oils:- Cotton Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Rice, Bran, Oil, Vegetable Oil, Corn Oil, Nut Oil, Sunflower Oil
Meat:- Liver, Cod Liver Oil
Dairy Products:- Butter
Vegetables:- Beans, Carrot, Green Leafy Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes
Fruits:- Apple, Nuts
Miscellaneous:- Eggs and Soybean products

Deficiency of Vitamin E:- Causes Infertility, Retinal degeneration and
In Extreme Cases:- Coronary Thrombosis

Overdose of Vitamin E:- Causes High Blood Pressure

Monday, December 27, 2010

Open Pores- Treatment, Prevention & Makeup

              Oily skin has the disadvantage of a perpetually shiny nose, a skin that hates makeup and of course, a tendency to large pores. Oily skin requires proper cleansing and scrubbing. Large pored skin does not look lovely at close quarters and they also provide a base for blackheads and pimples.Oil secretion in excess is the root cause of open pores.

How to deal with it:- Wash face regularly with a gentle face wash specially designed for oily skin. Use a toner atleast twice a day. Don't touch/squeeze pimples, black and white heads.

Makeup:- Avoid using oil/cream based foundation, blush etc on your face. If possible start using mineral makeup, Oriflame is cheap and available for all. Also use a darker shade of foundation over the pores. Apply a primer before foundation. Don't use cream blush instead use a powder blush.

Pore Minimizer:- Mix together 1tspn of tomato pulp, 2 tspn egg white, 3 tspn brandy, 1 tspn honey and 2 tspn flour. Make a smooth paste and apply on your face avoiding around your eyes and mouth. Keep it on for 20 mins and wash off. Use this only once a week.

Face Pack 1:- Mix together 3 tspn of yogurt and 3 tspn of pureed cucumber. Apply all over face and keep it on till it dries. Wash off. Use this pack 2 times a week.


Face Pack 2:- Mix together 1 tspn flour, 1 pinch camphor, 1 tspn brandy and 1 tspn honey. Apply on your face avoiding your around the eye and mouth areas. Keep it on for 10 mins and wash off. Can be applied twice a week. Do clean face with oil-free cleanser or face wash before applying this pack.

Puffy Eyes- Treatment, Prevention & Makeup

              Puffy Eyes look oh so ugly on anyone, they can mar your beauty and actually make you look sick and old. They take away the charm and all your efforts to look good go in vain. Eyes are puffed up due to lack of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, long exposure to heat and light, pre-menstrual fluid retention, oily makeup remover, rich eye creams left on overnight, water retention and crying etc.

Treatments at home:-
* Dip 2 cotton pads into icy cold milk and place over closed eyelids. Relax till the pads warm up. Repeat the process if you want.

* Splash icy cold water on your eyelids. Blot dry and relax with slices of potatoes over closed eyelids. This is extremely beneficial for puffy eyes.

* Saturate cotton pads in hot water (as hot as you can bear) to which a tspn of salt has been added. Place on eyelids to reduce puffiness.

* Green or Black tea chilled and applied on eyelids with cotton pads and left till the pads warm up is great for reducing puffiness.

* Chilled tea bags (used ones) can be placed over eyelids as cold compress for relaxation.

But I do believe that prevention is better than cure. A little effort can save you from having those bags under your eyes.
To prevent puffed eyes:-

* Exercise your eyes to improve circulation as well as vision.

* Avoid salty food as much as you can and also avoid adding extra salt to your food.

* Don't pull, rub and tug your eyes, they are delicate and should he handled with utmost care.

* Choose your cosmetic/skincare products sensibly when buying for eyes or area around eyes.

* Always use a comfortable pillow while sleeping .

* Take regular cold compress because these tend to reduce/avoid local fluid retention around the eyes and aid in circulation.

* Splash your eyes with cool water first thing in the morning after waking up.

* If using a makeup remover on your face/eyes, wash off with a gentle face wash.

Makeup for puffy eyes:-

*Use eye primer and a non oily foundation which is a shade darker than your normal skin-tone.

* Use a medium shadow on your upper lid and line below the lower lash-line with that same medium shadow and extend outwards.

* Now take a darker shadow and line the upper as well as lower lash-line with it and extend outwards and upwards.

* A dash of shimmer shadow around the inner corners of your eyes will create an illusion of a sexy pair of eyes.

* A generous application of mascara especially on the outer upper lashes will further glam up your eyes.

              So that's all I have for today, hope you all enjoy reading this. And yes, if I have left out any point or you want to share a tip/trick then please do let me know.

Vitamin- The Beauty Connection (Vitamin D)

Vitamin D also known as the 'Sunshine Vitamin' is acquired by exposing to sunlight or ingestion and is essential for Calcium absorption.
Vitamin D-
* Relieves Eye strain
* Delays Aging
* Prevents Acne
* Cures Insomnia
* Enables proper functioning of Teeth and Bones
* Regulates Calcium- Phosphorus balance
* Maintains healthy Bones

Source:- Sunlight

Dietary Sources of Vitamin D
Meat:- Caviar, Seafood, Cod Liver Oil, Beef Liver
Dairy Products:- Milk,Cheese, Yogurt
Miscellaneous:- Egg, Mushrooms are the only vegan source of Vitamin D

Deficiency of Vitamin D:- Causes Rickets in young children and Osteomalacia in adults

Excess of Vitamin D:- Causes calcification of Lungs and Kidneys

Vitamin- The Beauty Connection (Vitamin C)

Vitamin C also called L-Ascorbic Acid, is a water soluble nutrient.
Vitamin C-
* Prevents Acne
* Helps in curing hair problems such as Baldness
* Reduces Halitosis
* Helps to reduce Weight
* Encourages healthy Bones, Teeth and Gums
* Is body's natural protection against cold and other infections
* Keeps body tissues in good condition

Dietary Sources of Vitamin C
Vegetables:- Tomato, Potato, Carrot, Turnip, Capsicum, Cabbage, Cucumber, Raw Green Vegetables
Fruits:- Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Apple, Banana, Pineapple, Coconut Milk, Mango, Peaches, Currants, Strawberry

Deficiency of Vitamin C:- Causes Anemia, Fatigue

Absence of Vitamin C:- Causes Scurvy

Vitamin- The Beauty Connection (Vitamin A)

               In the early years of the 21st century, Sir Fredrick Gowland Hopkins, a food scientist discovered the wonder substance Vitamin. Vitamin is derived from the Latin word 'Vita' which means 'life'. True to this, Vitamins are essential to life. There are yet a few Vitamins to be identified, besides the Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K. Vitamins are present in small quantities in food. Most food contain a combination of 2 or 3 Vitamins. Vitamins gives a remarkable boost to your dwindling body reserves.

Vitamin A:- Also called the 'Beauty Vitamin', it is an important Vitamin for overall health and beauty of your body.
 Vitamin A-
* Encourages bright, healthy eyes
* Contributes to hair growth and discourages dandruff
* Maintains strong teeth and bones
* Keeps your skin healthy and prevents acne
* Control halitosis (Bad Breath)
* Prevents varicose veins
* Makes nails healthy and strong
* Prevents night blindness and eye strain
* Protects your body from viral and bacterial infections
Vitamin A Capsules

Dietary sources of Vitamin A
Fruits:- Pineapple, Mango, Strawberry
Vegetables:- Carrot, Spinach, Tomato, Green Leafy Vegetables
Dairy Products:- Milk, Cream, Cheese, Butter, Yogurt
Meats:- Chicken, Liver, Fish Roe, Fish

Deficiency of Vitamin A causes:- Rough, Scaly Skin, Brittle Nails and Inflamed Eyelids, Raises the risk of Cancer, Causes defective Enamel creation of Teeth in Babies, Pyorrhea, Alvedaris

Absence of Vitamin A:- Causes Eye Disease 'Xerophthalmia'

Overdose of Vitamin A:- Swollen Joints, Dry Skin, Peeling Skin, Hair loss, Drowsiness, Severe Headaches, Vomiting, Fatigue etc

** If I have left out anything please help in completing my list **

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Final Look
            Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful new year 2011. 
            Today I am here again with a new nailart. This time its blue with white, yellow and bright orange polka dots. Here are the steps to recreating this nailart-
            * First I always prep up my nails with a base coat or a hardener.
            * Then 3 coats of blue polish and aired it for about 10 mins before beginning my 'art' :D
            * Now I randomly placed dots with white polish on every nail and let it dry completely.
            * Taking yellow polish I reapplied dots over white dots.
White Dots
            * Also I did same with bright orange polish and left 2-3 white dots on each nail as it is.
            * Now the top coat to finish off and voila..... its done :D

Hope you girls like it and leave your sweet comments behind. Thanks :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


  We all love to go on holidays but looking good at all times is a must. So I  suggest you pack up sensibly to look and feel beautiful on the go. This is my list when I pack up my bags :)            

*The first thing I think of when I start packing up for a holiday is my Lip Balm. It is a must for those soft and lovely lips.

*Then comes my sunscreen lotion/cream for protection against the harmful UV rays.

*Night Cream to revitalize and nourish your skin while you are sleeping. Most of us wouldn't want to sit with face packs on during a vacation. The cream will give a radiant glow so pack it along.

*A pair of good tweezers for stray hairs around the brows, threading/waxing may not be possible.

*A hair removing machine/epilator for silky-feminine legs and arms (underarms too)

*Nail Clipper as nails tend to grow back in about 10 days time.

*A mild herbal shampoo to keep your hair in good condition.

*Also I do throw in a small tube of conditioner for maintaining soft and silky hair.

*Liquid soap in your favorite fragrance. You may need it at any time- I mean in an emergency.

*An essential oil to relax your body and mind when you add it to your bath water. I personally prefer Lavender oil, just a few drops works magic. The aroma has a healing effect.

*Loofah/body scrubber for smooth glowing skin.

*Perfumed-wet tissues for wiping out your sweat, makeup or hands. Gently rub off and you will feel great. Its so versatile, as for me I use baby wipes.

*A roll-on/spray deo for freshness all day long.

*Talcum Powder for soft fragrance and freshness specially in summers.

*Atleast 2 soft hand towels, gonna be very useful- trust me on this 1.

*A small hand mirror for touch ups, 3-4 combs to tame your mane.

*Tinted moisturiser and a compact for even complexion and that sexy glow.

*Lipstick palettes- 2- 1 cool and the other warm. Completely your choice though.

*A scarf to wrap around the hair to protect against UV rays.

*A cap/hat is also a must depending on your destination.

*Sun shades are a must to protect your eyes, if you wish.

                Also, keep an eye on your diet during holidays, specially what you drink. Avoid tea/coffee and drink fruit juices as much as you can. I drink nariyal paani- love it ;) Drink lots of water as well. That will keep you well hydrated from within specially during summers. Carry a couple of fruits in your pocket/purse etc. Try and avoid junk food- ok ok leave out this 1 :D :D

****************ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS***************

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Beauty Tips- I

                Today I have for you all a few random beauty tips. Hope you all like them.
                Take a little curd and apply on your face and neck like a mask. Wash off after 10-15 mins. Regular use will ensure a soft and glowing skin. Curd has antiseptic properties, hence it is beneficial for pimple prone skin.

               Once a week massage the whole body with pure coconut oil. Bathe after 15-20 mins. Skin will become soft and satiny.

               Take turmeric power, gramflour, sandalwood powder and fresh fresh milk cream. Mix well and apply on your face, neck and hands. Wash off when dry. Regularity will ensure a soft and dewy skin.

              Apply orange juice on your face, neck, hands, feet and keep it on till it dries. This will make your skin clear and glowing.

              To treat pimples, make a paste of margosa leaves. To it add, turmeric powder and honey, mix well. Apply on your face for 10-15 mins. Don't apply around the eyes.

             After squeezing out the juice from lemon, rub the peel on your elbows, knees and nails. The skin will become lighter and softer. And the nails will be stain free, shiny and whiter than ever.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oil Massage

                 All of us love a massage on the head that peps us up and leaves us feeling fresh, ready to take on the world with a flick of our tresses. Include a head massage in your hair care routine for its numerous plus points and watch the difference it makes to our hair.

For the skepticals, here are the benefits of a massage:-
* It nourishes scalp and roots of your hair
* Helps make hair shiny, healthy, long, dark, lustrous and beautiful
* Hair becomes manageable
* Increases blood circulation of the scalp
* Relaxes the scalp muscles
* Prevents hair fall
* Prevents split ends, dandruff, early greying etc
* Relieves tension, anxiety and headaches

How to oil massage:- Sanitize your hands. Then using the tips of your fingers, apply the massage oil, working it in by making small, circulating strokes, moving the skin of the scalp forward and backwards. Also, you can pinch and pat your scalp and 'chop' it with the sides of your palms.
After the massage, wrap a hot towel around your head for sometime. Keep the oil overnight if you want or minimum of 2 hours before washing it off with a suitable shampoo. Use a suitable conditioner as well. Rinse thoroughly.

Monday, December 13, 2010


My Candy Nailart
              I got a complaint from a reader of my blog complaining I do a lot of complicated nailart these days. She has requested me to come up with simple do-able nailarts for this festive season. So here I have a very simple diy nailat for Christmas. Candies are the first thing I think about when I think about Christmas :D Today I have the candy nailart for you all and specially the candy lovers.    

Here goes the steps:-
          I always wear a base coat/nail hardener on my nails before applying nail polish. So prep up your nails as you wish.

          I applied white polish as the base color and 3 coats were required for full coverage.
I left it to dry for about 10-15 mins and then I took out my (dear) painting brush and dipped it in red nail polish and painted the stripes. Sorry for the uneven stripes :P

          I painted 2 thin stripes and 1 fat stripe with red polish to get the required look. I aired it for about 10 mins and sealed it in with a top coat. Clean off the extra nail color from around the nails, I didn't do it before taking the pic :P

         All done- sweet, simple and easy :D
         Hope you guys like it and leave behind your precious comments :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Skin Care- Reader's Request

Hi Ladies, Salini a reader of my blog has a couple of problems. I get a lot of private messages in facebook asking me for solutions to problems similar to that of Salini. So here is my take on her problem.
i m salini 
plz tell me how 2 reduce uneven skin tone??
my underarms, and the skin around my mouth are dark n this is getting worse day by day
ihave acne on my face,back n shoulders
my face is oily n sensitive but my body is dry
plzzz suggest something

Uneven skin-tone and darkness on area around mouth and underarms- This is the commonest query. As for the underarms, epilation is best for you right now. Stop waxing for sometimes and if you shave your underarms then stop using shaving creams instead use a foaming face/body wash. Avoid hair removing creams totally as of now. Also twice a week, scrub the area with a face/body scrub or prepare 1 at home. Moisturise well.
Also use a good quality scrub on your face emphasizing on the mouth area and be very gentle because of the acne.

Treat dandruff if you have any. Tie hair away from your face. Maybe its dandruff that's causing the acne on your face, shoulders and back. Use a good quality anti-dandruff shampoo. Keep your hair always clean.

For the acne start using a paste of mint/margosa leaves and apply daily on the areas affected with acne. Wash off and pat dry with a clean towel. Use a suitable sunscreen if you must go out in the sun. If you have long nails then I am sorry to say that as for now you need to chop them off. Dont prick at them or you will get ugly marks. Don't touch the affected area because it might give you an infection.

Since the rapid darkening of your skin maybe hyper pigmentation, please consult a dermatologist asap.

Please help Salini with more beauty recipes for the specified problems. Thanks 


*All Skin Types
*Removes Dark Circles n Puffiness
15 ml/0.51 fl. oz for INR 150

Company Says:- This unique light formulation with the goodness of Almond n Wheatgerm, nourishes n moisturises the under eye area, helps reduce dark circles and puffiness, firms n tones skin. The natural active ingredients in this cream help in reducing signs of fatigue n stress.

Key Ingredients:- Chamomile Extract, Wheatgerm Oil, Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Vitamin E, Dimethicone, D-panthenol.

Method Of Use:- Apply appropriate quantity from the inside of the eye contour to the outside. Gently massage the eye contour area with your ring finger. Suits all skin types.

For Best Results:- Use twice a day after cleansing the face.

My Opinion:- Dark circles is a common problem for girls like me who sits in front of the computer whole day. There was too much work in office so I got ugly dark circles. That gave me some tension so about a month ago I bought this cream on the SAs suggestion. The VLCC Strawberry Lip Shield didn't work much for my dry chapped lips so I was skeptical about using this under-eye cream. Then I thought whats the harm in trying :D
The moment I opened the cute little jar I inhaled the fragrance and liked it. On first application I found that very less is needed because it spreads really well, just a tiny dot is sufficient for an eye. I think the product is going to stay with me for a long time. It is a thick white cream but gets absorbed by my skin very fast.
          I tried blending a dry kind of concealer with the help of this cream on the dark circles and that ever so hard to use concealer worked for the first time. Then one night I was watching TV and I was so engrossed that by mistake I applied the eye cream on my lips. I always keep my lip balm on bed side table as I have very dry lips and in the middle of the night I might need a little lip balm if my lips feel dry. So that day when I woke up in the morning I felt my lip so soft and supple and saw the eye cream jar on the table I understood the reason for my great lips. I used it on my lips regularly for a week and they healed considerably.
         Well, coming back to my dark circles I don't think they are completely gone but they have faded a lot. Many factors do affect our health and I believe dark circles are more of a health problem. Diet, sleep, lifestyle- all contribute to healthy skin/body/mind. A cream alone cannot do everything. Also this cream brightened the skin around my eyes, soothes tired eyes and also gives relieves in case of fatigue. My eyes are sensitive and this cream suited me like anything and never gave me watery eyes or any kind of burning sensation.

Pros:- Affordable, Reduced my dark circles considerably, soothes tired eyes, Less cream is required as it spreads easily

Cons:- Comes in a jar so its unhygienic, no sun protection.

           I rate this product 4.5 out of 5 and I don't see this tub getting over in the near future :D

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fruit Salad Hair Mask

                Salad for your hair :D sounds cool right? Yes you read it right. I have been using this mask on my hair for 3 months now and that too every week. The results are fab. I didn't have the best of hair- shiny and bouncy but now I do :D:D So thought that I should share my sweet little secret with my sweet readers :)

Apple- 1
Cucumber- 1/2
Avocado- 1/2
Orange- 1 (juiced)
Egg- 1
Gramflour- as required to bind/make a paste
            Cut all fruits into pieces and blend in a liquidizer or mixie. Add beaten eggs and orange juice, mix very well. Now add gramflour as required. When the mixture reaches toothpaste consistency, moisten your hair and apply the mask from root to ends. Leave it on for an hour and shampoo off. This Fruit Salad Mask is suited to all hair types.
          Try it out and do give me feedback.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lotus Herbals NATURALBLEND-''My Perfect Tint'' Foundation- REVIEW

Lotus Herbals Naturalblend ''MY PERFECT TINT'' Foundation- REVIEW
50(25+25)ml for INR 245

*This review was requested by my dear blogger friend Rentu*

Company Says:- ''My Perfect Tint'' Foundation gives you the freedom to mix and blend the base and tint to achieve your perfect shade. It is light weight and provides a flawless finish to the face. Also provides UV protection, hence helps lighten complexion.

Active Ingredients:- Jojoba Oil, Grape Seed Oil n Soy Lecithin.

My opinion:- This is an interesting foundation, you have to concoct your perfect shade all by yourself :D I picked up this product just because of this quality. Now I am free to make a matching shade for myself every time I use it and not bark at the companies for not making a matching shade for me :P But you need a little practice to make your shade. It spreads and blends well on my skin but I think a dry skinned person would have to use a moisturiser first and then apply this foundation otherwise blending will be a problem. I use my foundation brush or a sponge wedge to blend the foundation well. It comes with UV protection so I can wear it on my bare-cleansed skin since I have oily skin.
Base and Tint swatches
                 It gives medium coverage and feels light on my skin. I couldn't say a word about the skin lightening factor as of now because I have not been using it regularly. It is enriched with the goodness of jojoba oil and grapeseed oil which moisturises your skin and soy lecithin which softens skin and helps treat pigmentation. It has a mild floral fragrance and doesn't irritate my skin, nor did I breakout while using it. Its herbal so it wont harm my skin.

Pros:- Herbal foundation, mild floral fragrance, I didn't breakout, suits my oily skin, will match very skin color, price is reasonable, easy to carry around in my purse.

Cons:- Topples off shelves, not labeled for which skin type, can be tricky for novices to mix the tint and base.

              I rate this product 4.5 out of 5 and I will repurchase it again and again. I recommend this for oily skin but dry skins try out once in the store before buying it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

POND's WHITE BEAUTY Daily Spot-less Lightening Cream- REVIEW

POND's WHITE BEAUTY Daily Spot-less Lightening Cream- REVIEW
50 gms For INR 150

Company Says:- Deeply nourishes skin to a radiant daily spotless. Finally, a lightening moisturiser that goes well beyond just whitening your skin. With new Pond's white beauty, see your skin visibly transformed to a radiant daily spotless. It gently evens out skin tone as it works from within to nourish your skin, leaving it instantly brighter, softer and more radiant. It's triple sun spot-less complexion is here to stay!

How to enjoy better whitening results:- Use every morning and evening as part of your Pond's white beauty skin care regime. Apply with fingertips, smoothing evenly onto clean skin over face and neck. Massage lightly until completely absorbed. Store away from direct sunlight and heat.

Ingredients: Water, Stearic Acid n Palmitic Acid, Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Glycerin, Titanium Dioxide n Aluminium Hydrpxide n Stearic Acid, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (Provitamin C), Tocopheryl Acetate (Provitamin E), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Provitamin B6), Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Allantoin, Isopropyl Myristate, Potassium Hydroxide, Cetyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Disodium EDTA, Sodium Starch Octenylsuccinate n Zea Mays (Corn) Starch n Lycopene n Glucose n Sodium Ascorbate n Tocopherol, Fragrance, CI 14700.
My Opinion:- My first reaction on opening the lid of this cream was 'WOW'. It is very sweetly scented though very mild and the color is a lovely whitish pink. The consistency is like that of mousse and actually looks like it. At first application I was happy because it spreads so well all over my face and neck. It absorbed all the oil from my face and kept it matte- looking for a good 3 hours. The company claims to lighten the skin tone and resolve spots but it did nothing of this sort for me. 
             But it has added a radiant glow to my face and gives me temporary relief from oiliness. It didn't dry out my skin and I am using it during these cold days also. At my moms instance I have started using it in a very innovative way. I mix a little foundation to a little amount of this cream and apply it on my face and neck. The result is amazing- a sexy glow without the oiliness plus a little coverage :D What more can I ask?? I haven't broken out after particularly using this cream.

Pros:- Affordable, pretty packaging, suits oily skin, mildly fragrant, UV protection

Cons:- Not suitable for dry skin, no label regarding skin type, spot removal claim seems to be false.

I rate this product 4 out of 5 and I am using my second tub right now which is about to finish. I recommend it to everyone with oily skin since it absorbs oiliness from the face.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Shahnaz Hussain Kajal-Shaeyes- Swatches & Review

gms for INR

Company Says:-
A very special combination of herbs and pure Almond oil to pamper your eyes. Makes eyes look exotic and healthy. The content of Trifala in this product helps improve vision while the pure Almond oil encourages the growth of luxuriant lashes. Trifala was used in the ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine for maintaining and improving eyesight.

Ingredients:- Trifala, Pure Almond Oil, Indian Gooseberry, Myrobalans.

Method of Use:- Can be used daily. In case of irritation due to sensitivity, discontinue use. Can be easily removed with Shacleanse, and moist cotton wool. The Almond content reconditions the skin surrounding the eyes, and encourages luxuriant eyelashes.

Shades:- Black, Blue, Brown, Green.

My Opinion:- I have been using this for many years now, in between I used himalaya, oriflame, Biotique Kajals though Lakme Kajal was my first one. But I was never satisfied with anyone brand in particular. I liked 1 thing in 1 brand and another thing in the other brand so basically my quest for that perfect kajal is still far from over.

Long back my mom introduced me to this Shaeyes kajal and since then I have been using it everyday. Its not super black but intense enough to make my eyes stand out. I use it to line my upperlid, lower lash line and specially the waterline. My eyes are so sensitive and this kajal never made them watery or itchy, a big plus point for me or anyone with sensitive eyes.

Shaeyes- Hand Swatch
The only problem I face is that if I use it on my normally moisturized lids, it tends to smudge and give me raccoon eyes which I hate too much. But then If I use it after priming and powdering my eyelids then it just stays on and on. Though it lightens on the waterline and I have to reapply it after 3-4 hours, not a problem for me- am very much used to it.

When the tip is pointed its easy to apply but as it gets blunt and rounded at the tip it becomes difficult to line my eyes with it directly. No problem to apply on waterline but I have to use an angled brush to line the upper as well as lower lash lines, not a problem for me because am very much used to it as well.

Pros:- Its herbal, contains no lead, does not irritate my eyes, case comes with a small mirror making it convenient to apply whenever necessary.

Cons:- Packaging is cheap looking, comes in a stick form and thus becomes blunt and rounded at the tip.

I rate this product 4 out of 5 and I think I will buy it again and again till I find a perfect kajal for myself.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lotus Herbals Color Dew Nail Enamel Swatches & Review

Crimson Red
Lotus Herbals Color Dew Nail Enamel Swatches & Review
8 ml for INR 95

Company Says:- ColourDEW™ is a range of 10 exciting Nail enamels all together in a new packaging, Natural and safe,
Acetone, DBP and toluene free, Fast drying, Flat and sturdy brush, Smooth application

Directions for us:- Side-effects of Acetone on nail cuticles are : It dehydrates them, makes them fragile, makes them dull and dry, it can irritate skin
Toluene, found in common lacquers and nail polish: is a skin irritant may cause spontaneous allergies.

*These are Crimson Red which is a very bright red and Gold Mist which is a dull yellowish gold.
Both colors are well pigmented so two coats were enough for full opacity.
*They are glossy enough for me to love them. So i could resist the urge to apply a top coat for added gloss.
*They didn't chip for 6 days without top coat which is great for nail polish costing only INR 95.
I also transformed both into nailart- bridal nailart and bridal nails with gold and silver.
*These polishes are DBP, TOLUENE and Acetone free so that's a big plus point for me because I always wear polish on my nails.
Gold Mist
*They are herbal therefore I believe that these polishes would not harm my nails.
*They dry fast and the long thin brush aids in the application process.

Cons:- The bottles are long and thin and they tend to topple off at the slightest touch or movement.
Polish tends to drop off from the long brush if not taken care of.

I rate this product 4.5 out of 5 and I got 3 of these. And I am planning to get the orange and dark pink shades very soon :D

Eggless Beauty Recipes- Reader Request

                 Hi Ladies, Kirti a reader of my blog is not able to use egg for some reason. So she has requested me to give her a few beauty recipes for her hair and skin. So it is for Kirti and other readers like her that I have come up with these egg free hair and skin care recipes. 
kirti said... Hi, 
Hw ru doing? I too have rough n dry hair n moreover we r not allowed to use eggs at home . So i can't follow any of urs egg based hairpack. So do send me an alternate to the same. Also as u mentioned that dry hair should not be washed by using a detergent based shampoo, do suggest a good shampoo for me. I reside in New Delhi India. Warm Regards

kirti said...Hi,
I cannot use eggs so is there any other good option for me? Can u just a suitable alternate which helps me get rid of spots n freckles as well. Looking forward for a suitable n lovely response. Take Care.

Fading spot and freckles-Though kirti didn't let me know her skin type..assuming that she has dry skin taking into consideration her hair type, a nourishing pack is what she needs. Take 5-6 almonds and soak in a little milk overnight. Next morning grind to a paste the almonds with the milk and add a little thick milk cream. Apply on your face and neck, leave it on for 20-30 mins and gently scrub off. Wash off and pat dry. Repeat thrice a week for good results. This treatment nourishes the skin, softens it and gradually fades out the spots and freckles.

Caring for rough and dry hair

Oiling:- Oil your hair atleast twice a week with brahmi amla hair oil. Wrap a hot towel around your head much like a turban, repeat 2-3 times.
Nourishing Hair Pack- Taking into consideration the length of your hair take 2/3 bananas and mash them well. Add 1/2 tbsp of thick milk cream and mix well. Apply this pack on moist hair and keep on for 30-40 mins. Wash off with plain water and then shampoo off, use a mild herbal shampoo or make 1 at home.

Homemade Shampoo:- Soak a handful of soapnut in hot water overnight, next morning mash them, sieve and use the resultant liquid to shampoo off your hair. Its a non lathering shampoo- remember it and be very gentle with your hair.

               Please help Kirti with more eggless recipes for the specified problems. Thanks

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